
Ways of Protection


(Latin alphabet word)


(Name + Logo)




 (Form without technical effect)

*Imagem ilustrativa para fins didáticos.

 (Form without technical effect)

What is register of trademark?

Register of trademark is a way to protect it as a legal asset, which is safe for business.

What happens if I don’t register the trademark?

With the register of trademark, you avoid its use by third parties in a undesired or even a malicious way, whether physically (shelters, fairs, billboards, etc.) or digitally (social media, e-commerce, platforms, etc.).

Who can request the register?

Individuals or public or private legal entities.

I would like to get a better understanding of that history of register

Think about building a house or selling a car, if you don’t have the deed or register with Detran (Brazilian Traffic Council) the ownership of these assets can be compromised. With trademark this is not different. The register assures the trademark ownership and provides more safety to act in market. Especially before competition.

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