Since 1980 protecting innovation so that you can build the future.

The Family

Based on the value of family union, SKO became SKO OYARZÁBAL. And João Cassiano’s principles of dedication, love, and engagement on the importance of Industrial Property made his wife and kids becoming part of a professional activity that is extremely important for entrepreneurs, businessmen and their business and its impact on economics. Today, SKO OYARZÁBAL counts on a highly prepared and qualified team to understand and assist the needs of creations and business of their clients.


João Cassiano Bairros Oyarzábal

Founding Partner
Industrial Property Agent No. 220. He started his professional career in 1973. He founded SKO Oyarzábal Marcas e Patentes in 1980. Acting in several successful cases in the field of Intellectual Property in Brazil. Co-founder of the Brazilian Association of Industrial Property Agents – South Section (ABAPISUL). President of ABAPISUL, biennium 2009. National Vice-President of the Brazilian Association of Industrial Property Agents (ABAPI) biennium 2016-2017. Board member of the Brazilian Association of Industrial Property Agents (ABAPI). Member of ABAPI, ABPI and INTA.

Vera Lúcia Pinheiro Oyarzábal

Senior Partner
Attorney at Law and Industrial Property Agent No. 219. Member of the SKO Oyarzábal Marcas e Patentes office since 1990. Member of the Brazilian Association of Industrial Property Agents (ABAPI) and the Brazilian Association of Intellectual Property (ABPI). Extension courses in various aspects of Intellectual Property. Responsible for the administrative and financial management of the office.

Rafael Oyarzábal


Patent Writer and Technical Assistant Expert in the field of Industrial Property. Graduated in Business Administration from University São Judas. Graduating in Metallurgical Engineering at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS. Master degree in Intellectual Property and Innovation at the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul – IFRS/Profnit. Technical Course in Mechanics at SENAI/RS. Extension Course at WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization). INPI/Brazil Patent Writing Advanced Course. Advanced Course on INPI/Brazil Patent Database Searches. Experience in the field of your dedication with conditions to analyze matters in the scope of IP.

Jéssica Pinheiro Oyarzábal


Attorney at Law, registered OAB/RS nº 93.925, Bachelor of Laws from PUC/RS, specialist in International Law from UFRGS, improvement courses in Intellectual Property from WIPO, Fordham Law School, in New York and by INTA in Boston, USA, in Japan Patent Office (JPO) in Tokyo, Japan.

Coordinator of ABAPI courses (2018-2019 and 2020), Master’s degree student in Private Law at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), member of the OABRS Intellectual Property Commission (CEPI), ABAPISUL President (2022-2023) , member of ABAPI, ABPI and INTA.

With several articles published on Intellectual Property.

Diego Strahuber Oyarzábal


Attorney at Law registered OAB/RS no. 79192. Graduated in Law from Uniritter (Laureate International Universities). Postgraduate in Intellectual Property from PUC/RS. Master in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer by IFRS/Profnit. Member of the Special Commission on Intellectual Property of the Brazilian Bar Association, Rio Grande do Sul sectional. Partner at SKO Oyarzáball Marcas e Patentes since 2007. Extension courses in various aspects of Intellectual Property. Lecturer and guest professor in undergraduate, graduate and Master’s courses. Author of articles on Intellectual Property. Course Coordinator of the Brazilian Association of Industrial Property Agents (ABAPI)– South Section. Experience in the field of your dedication with conditions to analyze matters in the scope of IP.

Porto Alegre – RS
Rua Morretes, 457
Santa Maria Goretti
CEP 91030-300
SKO Oyarzábal © 2022  | All Rights Reserved | Developed by Sempre Uma Ideia with technical support provided by Studio 180